Thinking is not only non-linear, it's messy. It involves a lot of back and forth, dead ends, branching, walking back, merging ideas, changing ideas, contradicting ideas.
β Anne-Laure Le Cunff1
I used to find myself drafting blog posts that I wouldn't finish, only to abandon them moments before publishing. What held me back? I was often paralyzed by fear and self-doubt, wondering if my writing would resonate with readers or meet their expectations Procrastination was also a significant obstacle, as I'd get caught up in the process of crafting a piece that felt meaningful and authentic.
I recently discoveredβ± a mental trap that can be crippling for many writers: the expectation to create something entirely original and groundbreaking. This pressure can stifle creativity and hinder progress, making it difficult to publish our work. I realised that my own struggles with perfectionism and self-doubt were often fueled by this mindset.
What if there was a method to writing that would detach me from perfection and procrasination? This brings me onto the personal wiki or digital garden. They consist of a collection idea notes that build up a web of knowledge. The notes are non-linear, meaning they can be written and added to their wiki over time, detached from perfection.
I want to use my website as a personal wiki or personal knowledge management tool (e.g Obsidian, Roam). By doing so, I can create a space where I can collect, organise, and connect the ideas that are swirling in my head, without the pressure of crafting perfect prose. This will allow me to focus on the writing process itself, rather than getting bogged down in the perfectionism and analysis paralysis that often holds me back.
What to blog about β±:
In the past, I've really struggled with this thought 'What to blog about' - my website would go empty for years before committing to another written....