
Non-linear collection of notes on varying topics across fleeting thoughts, today I learned: interests, hobbies, and projects.

Converting my website images to webP

I wanted to reduce the file size of my image assets. At this point in time I'm not serving many images, but I wanted to ensure the web performance is as best it can be.

Testing Fediverse script

In my first TIL (Today I Learned) post I've been testing a python script that runs when Netlify deploys my website.

What to blog about

In the past, I've really struggled with this thought 'What to blog about' - my website would go empty for years before committing to another written.

Started writing the January newsletter

Collating links for this months newsletter. Links are anything I've remotely found interesting and simply wish to share in a newsletter format, rather than resharing on social media profiles.

Continue As I Am

The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

Arturia Minilab 3

Exploring ambient music creation with the Arturia Minilab 3